Thursday, 13 August 2009

All dressed up and nowhere to go

Now that the air and sea cargo has been packed up and is on its way, I find I have almost nothing to do.  My clothes are all folded and ready to go into suitcases.  Friends are arriving this evening for a quick farewell drinkie (or two).  I need to make a few phone calls to family and friends.  But that's pretty much it.  I liken my present state of mind/activity to being all decked out for a party and finding out that I'm an hour early.

So what exactly am I filling my time with in these last few days before we head over to our new home?  Well, here's a short list to keep you entertained:

1.  I finally finished sewing the sleeve seam for a baby jacket and can now send it off in the mail.
2.  I had my hair cut.
3.  I'm reading Ken Follett's Eye of the Needle.  Again.
4.  I've done up my syllabus for the coming semester.
5.  I just read a couple of pieces (Asimov and Sagan) from Great Essays in Science.
6.  I'm about to head over to the Waitrose to pick up snacks for tonight's drinks party.
7.  I made a really yummy potato salad for dinner.
8.  I turned myself from a blonde to a brunette.

I hope you're now as bored as I am.

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