Friday, 4 September 2009

And now for a short commercial break...

I'd much rather be posting valuable information on shopping, grocery stores, my new dining room set, a console table that fits where it should and now has a precious antique clock sitting on it, curtains, wireless 3g modems and my genius at setting up a protected network so that the two of us can use it at the same time (all by myself!).  But I've been busy doing other things.

Oh, I just wish I could tell you, but I'd be fired in an instant.  You see, some of the people that I have to deal with on a daily basis seem to have their heads pretty far up their patooties.  Not all, but some.  The past 72 hours have been a constant uphill battle to make things happen the way I want them to.

It's working.  But it's been tough.  Sleepless nights, vast consumption of wine, transition into Pit Bull Mode, 36-page documents (that I created in one morning) of records and reports, meetings, video conferences, threats (made by me), desperate phone calls to publishers, sweat, blood, toil, and probably a few plague-like things (ok, no frogs).

The bottom line is that I have, single-handedly, effected a change in two and a half weeks.  It probably took a couple of years off my lifespan, but hey, I figure if I die tomorrow I can say:

I effing DID IT.

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